Monday 28 April 2014

Time For An Intervention

Ok, it's time we had a chat wormholers.
No this does not apply to all of you but to those it does, cut this shit out.

The thing I'm talking about is talking in local in WHs.

For the past few months I've been seeing my local chat window flash more and more often when scouting chains and it's really starting to piss me off.

Waving hi in local to me when you see me jump in is about the dumbest thing you can do.  It immediately alerts me that there is someone else present and it also tells me that said person is not smart and most likely a total noob.
I guess you feel clever that you spotted me in some cloaked ship parked off a WH?  Ok, congrats.  Now how about instead of alerting me, and anyone else who might be visiting your system, that you're around, how about you use your advantage of knowing I'm there to try kill me?

There are VERY few good reasons to speak up in local chat in a WH and all of them involve the other people in the WH already knowing that you're there.
Information and surprise count for a hell of a lot in wspace and every time you speak in local you are losing information advantage and losing credibility as a competent pilot.

While this is sadly no longer as true as it used to be, wspace has always attracted a higher caliber of player due to the inherent difficulties of living there and as such, I expect better than to have random scrubs wave at me in local.
I don't tolerate it from people I fly with and I immediately lose respect for anyone who does it without a very good reason.

Just don't do it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree, although most of the time I think their goal when saying hi, it's to tell you "hey I am aware you are here, so dont waste your time and leave".

    I find it worse, those who paste links to imgur as a way to communicate.
